REAL TALK | I am the WORST at printing pictures!
One of the things I tell all of my clients is that I think it is INCREDIBLY important that images from your session are printed and placed on your wall. Nothing makes me happier than seeing my art on my client's entry tables, countertops, table albums and fireplaces. I believe technology changes so quickly that some day discs and USB drives will be a thing of the past, and I worry... how will you retrieve your images? Yes, this is a general fear of mine!
However, myself as your photographer... I am HORRIBLE at getting my own pictures printed. One would think with as many pictures as I have taken of my son and as much as I have paid for family pictures in the last two years that I would have more than one picture printed and up... but no. Yes, I am embarrassed to admit that in an open forum, but if I'm not being honest, then I'm not being true to myself... so there you have it.
I made a promise to myself a couple of months ago that I was going to be better about printing my images and getting them hung on the walls. I can tell you all that I have pictures printed -- they are still in their respective protective sleeves. I just received a canvas print back that is ready to finally be mounted on the wall -- my husband and I just needed to discuss where it would go up. I kind of love it. :)
My goal before the end of the year is to set up 4 different gallery walls in my house -- a smaller one in my front entry, two in our living room and one in our bedroom. I want to show off my family and my work, and the only thing stopping me is... well, me.
Is this something that you struggle with too? I would love to hear your stories! If you have a special area in your home where pictures are printed and up, I would LOVE to see a picture!!!