Friends, I am so excited to share this blog post with you. I know I say that a lot, and it's all totally genuine. ESPECIALLY with this group. Janet and I have been friends for a very long time - I'm talking all the way back to our Kindergarten years.
Read MoreI'm SUPER excited that you're reading this!! Feel good Friday is another new blog feature I'm going to be working on incorporating to my page because with all of the ick going on in the world these days, we all need something to smile about, right? So, I figured I would start this feature off with a story that has been requested by me many times -- How my husband and I met and fell in love!
Read MoreI have always been a fan of love stories. One of the questions I like to ask ALL of my ANP couples is how they met. I feel like this is such a key part in a couple's love story, and it sets the tone for the entire relationship. With Angela & Matt, it started at Bradley University at the "Dog House" back in 2011 and has blossomed into something so amazing ever since. I was SO excited for their engagement session, and I cannot wait to show you some of their pictures! So let's dive in!
Read MoreAs parents, sometimes we find ourselves telling our children things that will comfort them to get them through a difficult situation, or something they perhaps just don't quite understand "why". Most recently in our house we dealt with the start of preschool, which if you are a longtime reader you probably already knew that -- ha! But one of the things my son struggled with was me leaving him at school. He was nervous about mommy leaving, if mommy would come back, etc. I'm sure this scenario is not unfamiliar to most. So... enter Bravery Powder.
Read MoreAnyone who knows me personally well knows a few key details: I really, really love coffee. I love nap time. I spend a lot of time at Target. Oh, and I am all but permanently connected to my phone... my iPhone, actually.
So I'll be completely honest. Once upon a time, the thought of working with my husband sounded like a horrible idea. I mean, I love him and everything, but we all need our space, right? Well, when it comes to weddings, I can't imagine NOT having him with me! You might think I'm crazy... but let me explain!
Read MoreSo I'm here to lay it all out on the line, tell on myself, and just make a public apology. I've really been a terrible friend.
Read MoreThis post is not going to be riddled with pictures and such -- wait what?! Yes, I know. This is a photographer's blog and shouldn't she have pictures and lots of them? Well, not always. One thing I want to make sure I am when it comes to being true to not only my business but my brand is that I am a relatively open book -- I wear my heart on my sleeve and I always have. So, raw and real, I want to take these Real Talk posts and use them to open the door a little wider for my readers to come in and learn a little about me - the girl behind the camera.