REAL TALK | Class of 2031

So, given that I am a tad emotional about this post, this will be pretty short and sweet.  Today is bittersweet in our household... especially for this gal right here.  Today is my son's first day of school.  He will be in pre-k, all day, at one of the best schools in our town.  My husband and I are so incredibly fortunate to be able to fund our son's education in such a way that we know he is in the right place.

My son starting school also brings about a multitude of transitions.  After my maternity leave ended and I went back to work, we were fortunate enough to have one of my sister's come to our house every day and be with him.  We have never had to place him into daycare or any other kind of childcare-- he was able to spend his days with his amazing Aunt KK -- and we will never be able to repay her for how amazing it was for us.  As I've mentioned before in my being a working parent blog, having my sister at our house meant I never had to feel out of the loop in how my son was being raised.  She constantly would post pictures and videos, which really made my being at work instead of at home much easier to handle.  

All in all... I am SO excited for him to start this new chapter in his life.  I'm so ready for him to make new friends, expand his mind even more and learn more about faith.

I love you, little boy... I cannot believe you are already in Pre-school.

Amber Pond