REAL TALK | I hate watching the news.
It's really not uncommon that I hear the words uttered from my husband's mouth, "weren't you a journalism major?" This is because I absolutely, positively, without any question HATE watching, listening to, reading anything about the news.
The reason is simple: it's always seeming to be so negative anymore. It gets really exhausting seeing another story about a shooting, or about a hate crime of any sort, or a crazed person taking the life of a child for no good reason. It's nothing but sadness. My husband always tells me that things don't hit the news unless an extra-ordinary thing -- meaning something that doesn't happen on the regular. But, it's all becoming so common anymore that it is hard to believe that anymore.
Another reason I hate the news? It just increases my anxiety levels. I don't talk a ton about it, but I do struggle with a decent level of anxiety... enough that I am on medication for it. I panic really easily. In fact, I've been banned from WebMD by one of my best friends and my husband because I used to be horrible at self-diagnosing myself. For the longest time, I had convinced myself that I had a brain aneurysm and it was on the verge of bursting at any moment. Turns out it was literally just work-related stress, and once I left the job I was working at the time, the headaches I was having every day completed went away. I've been reminded more times than I would like to admit that stress can do a number on the body... that was one of those times.
Let me step back a bit. I'm not completely oblivious to the news. Obviously. Social media, which I am on frequently, has been saturated by news sources -- real and fake -- and stories are shared hundreds of millions of times in a day, week, month. It's hard to miss. I would be lying if I said that I didn't frequently hide pages from populating in my news feed because I didn't want to see the stories anymore. I have also unfollowed people on Facebook because of how much they post things -- really, I should just unfriend them at this point but... I digress.
I try to keep myself as informed as I feel necessary. My husband, bless his heart, has stopped trying to watch the news on TV and relies upon various news outlet podcasts on his phone for his news. I know it makes me sound crazy, but I totally appreciate his being respectful of my disdain of news.
I just really, really hate watching the news. Show me the happy stories -- like puppies being adopted or a kid getting a cochlear implant so he can hear. Then I'll watch. Until then... selective informing is my game.