Oh, hey... Friday? | Seven
Ha - got ya! I know these are normally my Tuesday blogs, but I made a special exception for this one since today is a very special day. Today, my son turns seven years old.
It seems wildly unreal that we’ve made it this far already. I vividly remember that 4am wake up call I had when my water broke, and I woke my husband up to share the news. I remember moving ever so slowly around the house that morning to clean myself up, make sure all my bags were packed up and even straightening my hair for the occasion (which my husband thought I was nuts - lol!) I remember texting my boss and one of my coworkers at the time to let them know I wouldn’t be at work that morning and feeling awful because it was 4:30am, but I didn’t want to forget. I remember the drive to the hospital. I was having minimal contractions so I was feeling fine. The car ride itself was quiet. I can’t speak for Craig (husband), but I can confidently say I was equally excited and nervous AF about what was about to happen. I was so pumped to meet this little guy I had been growing in my belly for 9 months but terrified about the concept of being in chart of raising another human.
The following 16 hours were relatively uneventful, considering what was going on. Once the time finally arrived to push, we discovered the cord was around his neck and I would need an emergency c-section. After all the rushing around, at 12:45am on October 25, 2012, our baby boy arrived safely into the world with the sweetest little cry. I even gave him a little kiss because they whisked him off to get cleaned up and taken care of.
Fast forward what seem like seconds, he’s now a healthy, energetic, bright kid who loves Mario, Pokemon, a large portion of age-appropriate Japanese anime, snuggling his parents at all times, riding his bike and scooter. He loves lulling off to sleep by the sound of meditation music, cuddling up with his blue blanket and whichever one of our cats decides to sleep in his room that night. His Aunt KK is the light of his life, and he absolutely loves his Christi. He misses his Nana, Gigi and Na-maw when he doesn’t seem them often enough, and his best friends are his cousin “A” and a little guy at school we’ll call “O”. He is in first grade and thriving. He started Cubs scouts this year and loves it! He loves going to church, and when we can’t make it on a given Sunday, he requests “home church”, which is where I go on YouTube and find Bible stories for him to watch. He loves our bedtime routine, which includes time for tickles and giggles, bedtime prayer, and snuggling his daddy. I can’t say everything is always perfect. With the laughter and love comes natural frustration and tears. But it’s part of growing up. We have learned over the last seven years that our son is not textbook - he is not one to fit inside a box as far as how to care and raise him. He is his own breed of child, and there is no one even kind of like him. If I’m being honest, I think I aptly named him when I chose his middle name as a namesake to my late uncle.
As I write this blog with a cup of coffee next to me and him sleeping in the room next to me, I am reminded of how this very room was where he started his little life. Where my chair and desk sit are where I spent every night for the first year rocking and feeding him. Once the nighttime feeding was done, it was simply where he was rocked back to sleep. It still blows my mind how fast time has flown.
We have been so blessed by this little guy. I know this is lengthy, but I can’t even begin to tell you just how much this kiddo means to me. He makes my life better in every possible way. He makes me think harder about life in general and has taught me how to give myself grace and love those close to me harder… and so much more.
Kiddo, I cannot wait to celebrate with you. Every year you have grown just a little bit older and had the most epic of years. I can only imagine this year will follow suit. I love you. Happy Birthday, Bubby.